Yoga Rates
Find One That Works For You
Drop–in Class
$15 per class
Valid until canceled
5 Class Pass
5 Class Pass
Valid until canceled
Best Value
10 Class Pass
10 Class Pass
Valid until canceled
15 Class Pass
15 Class Pass
Valid until canceled
20 Class Pass
20 Class Pass
Valid until canceled
Late Fees
Monthly rates are due the 1st of each month. A $10.00 Late Fee will be charged if payment is received after the 1st.
Returned Check Fee
$25 charge on all returned checks. This extra charge will be added to your account.
Membership Fee
$15 per family, non-refundable
Recital Fee
Amount TBD will be charged per family near recital times. There will be no charge per ticket for attending performances.
Pay by credit card, check or cash! Cash payments must be made in exact amounts only. Automatic monthly payments are offered and encouraged through our on-line system.
(We will assume you will continue taking classes until the end of the dance season unless advanced written notice is received.)